
Quartz Crystals

Quartz crystals are used as energy amplifiers in watches, computers and many other human technologies.  The energy radiating from crystals, gemstones and minerals automatically attunes and resonates at a quantum level in harmony with our own human frequencies.  Our human physical body is basically a large energy receiver and transmitter that translates and also produces the different vibrations of sound through our ears and voice, light through our eyes, touch through our physical body and thoughts through our consciousness and energy bodies.  Our physical brain and our energy chakras function as a receivers and tuners for all this multi-dimensional information.   

Natural crystals and gemstones are inherently aligned with cosmic source energy.  During their growth process each individual type of crystal and gemstone goes through its own unique development process, just like each individual human being.  That individual growth process and the influences of environment, pressure, temperature and the interaction with other crystals and minerals produces different terminations, formations and mineralogical qualities.  The crystals and gemstones can transmit their unique frequencies which can help us activate the higher powers of the mind, bring our physical body into balance and attune our consciousness with the Higher Self.

About the Master Crystals

Just as our unique, individual human experience and growth is affected by the environmental factors we are exposed to, the nutrition we have available to us, the pressure and stress we experience, etc., so too is the development process of a crystal, gemstone or mineral.  The Master Crystal Configurations are crystalline manifestations of these same types of growth affecting factors.  Depending on each crystal or gemstone’s configuration, their innate energetic growth “blue print” can be used as tools with human consciousness to support, enhance and amplify specific energetic and healing intentions.


I carry a full selection of incredible Arkansas clear quartz Master Configurations.  Mined more than 30 years ago and stored away in their original clay for most of that time, these crystals have not yet had human interaction or been traded on the crystal “commodities” markets so they are amazingly “light” and clear.  Please browse the Master Crystals pages for complete descriptions and energetic qualities of the different Master Crystal configurations and ordering information.