Mark Plehn

Certified crystologist

I began my journey with the stones at a very early age.  As a young boy I always kept one eye on the ground wherever I went in hopes of finding a special “stone treasure”!  I’ve had a collection of crystals and stones for as long as I can remember.

My introduction to crystal healing occurred when my daughter, who was born with congenital Spina Bifida was 14 years old.  At the time she received a diagnosis from her team of traditional medical professionals during her annual medical planning appointment that at some point within the next year she would most likely need to have spinal fusion surgery to prevent her increasing spinal deformity.  This surgery would be painful with a long recovery time and ultimately mean that she would be confined to a wheelchair permanently, instead of only intermittently as she was at the time.  In that moment I made a decision to investigate alternative treatments to help her and hopefully prevent her from having that invasive and painful surgery.  I believed there had to be another treatment that could benefit her.  I had read about crystal healing but I personally had no experience with it.  It was a synchronicity that during this same period of time I was introduced to a Crystal Healer who offered crystal healing classes through her Crystal Healing School.


I began learning and studying the crystals and in addition to the crystal healing practice I was doing with my daughter, I also secured therapists to provide energy massage, reiki, chiropractic and acupuncture treatments.  When we returned to the next medical planning session one year later, the medical doctors were stunned and amazed to find that not only had my daughter’s spinal deformity not progressed any further, it had actually improved to the degree that they decided the surgery was no longer an appropriate treatment.  For me this was an absolute validation of the power of the crystals and energy medicine to facilitate healing that traditional medicine was unable to manage without highly invasive and painful treatment.


Since those early days I continue to do crystal healing sessions with clients and I also created an entire line of gemstone and crystal combinations for specific physical and energetic healing, chakra balancing and consciousness expansion.  I've also developed a series of designs to support one's conscious evolution within the gifts and challenges of your individual astrological sign.



Over the years I have provided “Laying on of Stones” healing sessions for clients, friends and family.  In working with the stone layouts on my clients’ bodies I was inspired to create crystal healing jewelry that carried the same or similar stone combinations as my healing layouts and could be worn for longer periods of time for optimal results.  I have developed a unique line of 34 different consciousness enhancement and intentional healing jewelry designs.  Please visit my Jewelry page to see my complete selection of gemstone jewelry.